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The fifth 5300 container ship CHB2012 was signed for delivery

The fifth 5300 container ship CHB2012 was signed for delivery

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  • Time of issue:2024-07-03
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The fifth 5300 container ship CHB2012 was signed for delivery

(Summary description)

  • Categories:News
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  • Time of issue:2024-07-03
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At 1558 a.m.on June 26Zhoushan Changhong International held a grand ceremony for the fifth 5300TEU container ship CHB2012 built by Greek shipowner NAVIOS MARITIME PARTNERS L.P.

As the general contractor of 5300TEU interior decoration,Haijing team overcame the numerous challenges to achieve perfect delivery.

The shipowners are satisfied with the construction,schedule,and safety of the interior decoration ,and particularly appreciate the 100% efficiency and performance of the Haijing team .



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